I have been tired this week. The kind of tired where I can hardly keep my eyes open once I sit on the couch after the boys are in bed. The kind of tired that has me hitting the snooze button three times in the morning. As I sat here tonight wondering why I have been less-than-energetic, I reviewed some of the highlights (and low points) of my Thursday. Today, I (and not in this order):
- Cheered for our outstanding, improved and inspirational students at a rally
- Joined in happy birthday for a colleague at lunch
- Laughed with a student about planning a “whine” and cheese party in pre-finals December
- Conferenced with four students, two of whom are not “mine,” about their college essay applications
- Had an impromptu, hour-long heart-to-heart with my mom
- Took the boys out for ice cream
- Helped my first-grader do three pages of math word problems – amazed at how he is growing!
- Read the boys a chapter from Hatchet
- Allowed a headache to increase in severity until I left work 30 minutes early and came home to puke, then sleep for an hour
- Responded to several student emails requesting progress updates, recommendations, and advice
- Chatted with a friend on Facebook about families and why we love and “the opposite of love” them
This is not unique to me . We all have days, weeks, like this. And I am not trying to garner sympathy or pity (although the "nursing" I received from my husband and boys was certainly appreciated!) because this is not an accident or misfortune. This is the life I have chosen for myself. And crazy as it sounds, I wouldn't have wanted to do any less with my day. One verse I have tucked into my heart, James 1:2, keeps things in perspective: "Count it all joy..." I may get tired at times, but even learning to admit that is a sign of my growth. No matter what each day brings -- the temptations, the failings, the trials, the triumphs -- each teaches me something about myself and others. Each makes me wonderfully imperfect. And ready for a nap :)
This isn't post-related, but I love pics of the boys conked out in the car
I got tired just reading about your day. :) Hope yall are doing good!!
Three pages of math word problems in first grade??? Goodness!
Omgoodness!! That sounds so exchasting!! I hope you feel better and enjoyed your much appreaicated Nursing from your boys!!! :)
and I LOVE that picture!! So cute!! :)
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